High School Seniors

June 13, 2023

How to Prepare for your Senior Portraits

Are you gearing up for your senior portrait session? While it’s certainly an exciting time and a chance to show off your confidence and style,     Here we’ll outline what to wear, what to bring, and how to get the right lenses in glasses.

Choose Great Outfits

When it comes to your outfit, think about what colors and styles you feel the most comfortable in. It might be helpful to go through your closet and try on some options a couple weeks before the session. This will help you decide if something is too tight or looks better with different accessories or shoes.

When planning what to wear for their professional senior portrait, seniors should keep in mind the variety of options available. For clothing, opt for classic styles with simple colors; avoid large logos or busy patterns. Consider bringing a few different outfits representing both formal and casual styles that fit you well. Think of all the possibilities – neutral colors such as black, white, tan or gray; bold colors like yellow, red, or blue; soft pastel shades; dresses and skirts; blazers and jackets; button-downs and sweaters. Try matching pieces together from several different looks for an  interesting range of images.

It is also recommended to accessorize with items such as jewelry, jackets, hats, shoes and scarves to add a more personal touch. Hair and makeup can be done professionally or simply brush up on natural features. Ultimately, seniors should choose outfits that makes them feel confident and comfortable – it will show through in the images!

Having a variety of clothing items to wear during the session will help ensure that seniors get their most flattering professional senior portrait.  Finally, make sure to iron your outfits the day before you go in for your session. This will help them look their best and give you a more polished appearance in front of the camera.

Gather Sports Equipment, Musical Instruments and Other Props

Seniors may also wish to bring in props and items that reflect their hobbies,  passions, or interests. Sports equipment such as baseball gloves and bats, soccer balls, and golf clubs can be used to showcase the athlete’s talent. Sheet music and instruments like guitars or cellos can make for unique senior poses if they are a musician. Hobby accessories like paintbrushes and canvases could help to show off the artist’s work.  Don’t forget about cars, trucks, four wheelers, dirt bikes and tractors for the outdoor enthusiasts.  Seniors should think ahead about how they would like their portraits to look so they can bring the necessary items to help personalize their session so we can create a stunning set of images.

Contact Your Optometrist if You Have Transition Lenses or Reflective Glasses

If you wear glasses, it’s important to get non-reflective lenses. This will help prevent light from reflecting off of your lenses and ruining a good shot.  Make sure you leave out the transition lenses! Transition lenses may darken or lighten in response to sunlight, so they can create a distraction and take away from the aesthetic of your images.  You can ask your optometrist about this beforehand and make sure you have time to get the new lenses before the session.


By following these simple tips, you can be confident as you prepare for your senior portrait session! The memories captured during this time are priceless, so don’t hesitate to take your time and choose the right outfits, accessories, and sports props. With a little planning ahead you can be sure that your photos will turn out amazing! Make sure to head over to my website to get additional information on how to prepare for your senior portrait session https://abbiepotts.com/seniors